This folder contains example scripts that you can run to try out AppleScript. The scripts are organized by the applications they work with: Quill, the Finder, or any application (General Scripts). For more sample scripts and explanations, see the User Documentation folder.
Kinds of scripts
Basically, there are four kinds of example scripts:
1. Compiled scripts. These have a script icon.
- They can be run by opening them an pressing the run button, or by placing them in the Scripting Menu folders that are opened from the Scripting Menu.
2. Applet. These have "application diamond" icons with a script on them.
- What's an applet? It's a mini script-application. Double-click it and it runs the script and terminates.
3. Droplet. These look like Applets but have a downward arrow on them.
- What's a droplet? It's an applet that you can drop Finder icons on. Read the tutorial for more information on these. (These only work when you are using the Scriptable Finder.)
4. Text.
- A text copy of each script can be found in the "Example Scripts (as Text)" folder. They are useful if
- the script has a syntax error and won't compile (unlikely if you just recorded it),
- you want to open it with a program that can read text files,
- …or if you are not feeling trusting about files stored in compiled form.
Scripting Menu Examples
In each folder is a subfolder named "Scripting Menu". These are scripts that can only be used from the Scripting Menu. (The Scripting Menu is not installed by the "easy install" option; you must do a custom install to get the it. See the Read Me First file for instructions.)
You can drop these scripts into the folder opened from the Scripting Menu if you want them. (Some scripts’ names end with a √ followed by a character. This specifies a keyboard accelerator character. This feature is a real hack, but quite useful.)
Here is how to use each of the examples scripts:
Quill Scripts:
• Proportional Resize -- open a Quill document with various different sized of text. Double-click on the script. Every word in document will be resized by a percentage.
• Remote Clipboard -- run Quill on a remote machine. Double-click on the script, then select the Quill application from the program browser. The current clipboard is copied from that machine to the local machine.
• Transpose Words -- Open a Quill document and select some text. Either run the script from Toy Surprise, or select it from the Scripting Menu. The word following the selection will be moved to before the selection.
• Tile Windows -- for any application that understands core window behavior (Quill, CoreSample, or MenuScripter), this script tiles all the open windows into the area taken by the frontmost window. This script can go in the Universal Scripts folder (although it does not yet work with the Finder).
Finder Scripts
These can only be used if you have installed the Scriptable Finder.
• Duplicate & Open -- A "droplet" that asks the finder to duplicate files before opening them. Just drag a Finder icon onto the Duplicate & Open application.
• About This Mac -- opens the process list in the Finder. This script can go in the Universal Scripts folder of the Scripting Menu.
• Find Original -- select an alias and then run the script from either Toy Surprise or the Scripting Menu to reveal the original of the alias.
• Trash 'em! -- select files in the finder and run the script from Toy Surprise or the Scripting Menu to move the files to the trash (after a confirmation dialog). This is useful for when you can't find your trash can in all the mess...
• ResEdit Me! -- Opens the selected file(s) with ResEdit. This script assumes that ResEdit (or an alias of it) is on the desktop and named "ResEdit". If not, you can easily edit the script to point to the right location. (One really ought to be able to use the Finder's ability to find an application anywhere by its signature, but that's not supported yet…)
• Close Subfolders -- closes the windows of all folders contained in the selected folder.
General Scripts
• Syntax Examples -- a compiled file containing a set of useful syntax templates.